Autorun.inf - what does this file do ? This page last modified 3rd January 2001

Once you have made your disk you may want to automatically open a document of some sort. contains executable and instructions.

While the START command will work when used in an autorun.inf file it does flash up a command prompt window before launching the document. Exacting a performance penalty on slower systems.

WINSTART.EXE is a program that will perform the shellexecute API call without launching a command prompt. This should be tidier for most people.

Although it doesn't help anyone with a different operating system.

This zip file contains a copy of the winstart.exe file, it expects one command line parameter, the name of the document to open. This will always be run relative to the root of the DISK, whatever its drive letter may be. Make all your file file references relative to the current directory<>


open=winstart.exe mywebpage.html


If you put the autostart information in a subdirectory called autorun and the web pages in a directory called html .

Then you would specify

open=autorun\winstart.exe html\mywebpage.html

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