If you create a microsoft access 97 format database containing real numbers in a large range of values when exporting it as a CSV format file some decimal precision will be lost on some fields.
For example:
The value 1.234545667788 comes out as 1.23 thus losing quite a lot of precision.
Using the form and module supplied to perform the export gives you this output.
The Zip file you can download from this site contains a microsoft access 97 database.
This database has a form which when imported into an existing database will allow the user to easily export the tables to text files in Comma Separated Variable (CSV) format.
The user is prompted for the name of the table to export and the name of the text file to create. All fields are output, with the first line containing a row of field names. In this version text records are treated in the same way as numerical records. The code to put quote characters arround the text fields is commented out to make the export process much faster.
This is version 1.0 so please let me know of any bugs you find or just let me know if you use it at all.
Email to Jeff Turner at Nano Tera
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