
My back Neighbour Steve

In 2011 Perth had more than 30 days over 30 degrees C and thirty nights never falling under 20 C , on the last weekend of this spell.

On the Saturday afternoon while getting ready for a costume party and attending to the myriad necessary tasks of a Saturday, around the outside living area there was noticed an unpleasant smell.

Thoughts of a dead lizard or perhaps a mouse led to a cursory look around, behind the pots, under the BBQ. a sniffing of the air.

The last BBQ had been lamb chops and the BBQ had (guiltily) not been cleaned, this was the obvious culprit, but a sniff test didnt point to that. At midnight on returning from the costume party, when putting away the freezer packs and bag the smell was noticable. Firing up the BBQ and a mental promise to “clean it up tomorrow” meant a good nights sleep.

On the morrow, by 10am am left alone, time to get to the bottom of this.

Move all the pots, move the BBQ , move the fridge, its now 10:15 and pretty damn hot already, the smell is strong.

The horrible thought reforms, move some more pots and strain to look behind the ones that cant be moved.

To dispell the thought, and in the hope of a garden fertiliser the fence is approached.

Standing on the limestone seat that forms a comfortable step, the same that facilitated too few conversations. The view is clear , but no , that shape of blue triangle and pink rectanlge, surely not, it cannot be.

Dismount and walk around, mount the step again and yes.

Go to the phone, but whats the house number, go outside and check. Walk around the corner and the sun is fierce, no people to see, all hiding in the shelter of Sunday morning shade.

I know that Steve will be missed, a regular church goer. For years new the impending doom, but chosen rather church than doctor.

See the house, and the number, back to home to make the call.

000 – answer soon, tell them what I’ve seen and smelt, tell me to wait at home. for some reason I feel I should wait at his.

Sit outside, in the shade, the sun is hot and so the ground. lean against his garage door and know that this is stupid. I should be home in the shade, not sweating here in the sun. After time I head of home. Waiting for the expected call.

Time passes , and then the the call , we are knocking on 1, but 1A is where they should be.

They’ve aready been to see Steve, hes very dead is what they say and I know what they mean.

We stand there talking, the young neighbour, comes, she’s seen him yesterday or was it Thursday. No’
ones sure.

We will see you later, but they dont come.

The other neighbour is told,he saw the police, already knows. Would have visted today, always does on Sunday. Says he saw the priest and the police. All is done, Nell is told.

Later, the Priest drops by and noones home.

And that was Steve.

Some ones friend.

Some ones son


JT Big Island and Lancelin Bay

Lancelin big island. Sonic and 5.8

Sailed up to the Pub beach. Wandered around but GG out on the scaffold. Went down and rigged up for a second session in bay but GPS lost it (id ten t problem). No big deal. No great speed. Chatty blokes on beach (offering beer, shocked to learn they need a ticket for Sat Night. Keen to go in the race (used a windsurfer once), I agreed they should give it a go next year.


JT Lancelin bay.

Tried out JP and sail combos. Tried Sonic and same sail. Didnt put on GPS. Fiddled about with rigging etc…


JT Lancelin Bay


JT Lancelin Bay

Short underpowered sail in the bay. 5.8 Koncept too small. Tried out JP weedy 31 fin that helped a bit.



JT Lancelin Bay

Lancelin bay, 5.0 ezzy SE wave , 79l Kombat and JP weed fin. Saw someone else going fast and thought I would try it too. Was busy all day with domestics so didnt get to the water until 4, glare made it hard to see what was happening. Thought it was more windy than that so didnt take speed sails or Sonic (was only 2 minute drive but didnt bother to go get them). Was really surprised getting over 30. Even more so to get a PB (0.3 of a knot faster on 2 sec and a poofteenth on 5×10


31.602 (D)
29.668 (D)
14.32 (D)
16.49 (X)
18.043 (D)


JT pt Walter

Decided it was too far to drive to woodies so tried Pt Walter instead. Good fun but just havent got it all together to go faster yet. More tuning / trial and error I think. Finally manage to get a 30 on my last run, maybe being so tired you can barely hang on helps ?

5.8 Koncept, sonic 95 and choco weed fin


JT Pt Walter


Decided it was too far to drive to woodies so tried Pt Walter instead. Good fun but just havent got it all together to go faster yet. More tuning / trial and error I think. Finally manage to get a 30 on my last run, maybe being so tired you can barely hang on helps ?

5.8 Koncept, sonic 95 and choco weed fin


JT Watermans

A bit more wind than yesterday but still very gusty. 5.8



Downhaul came loose and the safety bowline jammed in the cleat. Ended up having to cut the rope, used the back of a wave fin and it sliced through it like a knife through butter ! Explains how come we cut ourselves on them so easily.


JT 20-10-2009 Mettams

Went to Mettams for a play. All felt a bit weird after the winter on the river. Had fun and got it together eventually. 5.8 Ezzy Wave SE, Kombat 79l


Tried to go to Watermans but bobcats on the beach and council had it closed off while they replaced all the sand ! Rumour was the council spend 50K to fix it carting in sand as winter had erroded it to bedrock. Noticed at end of last summer that rock was all exposed.

2sec 5×10 1 hr Alpha NM Dist
23.55 19.4 13.7 14.2 15.8 28.6
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