

site been dormant, but great memories here for me.
working on updating.


Crash recovery.

Had a crash on a high wind winters day 20th June. MRI followed, lot of limping.

Nearly ran down Mark and catapulted when taking evasive action. I was completely in the wrong so glad he wasnt hurt. He said he could hear someone but had no idea where I was coming from. I was on fully powered up downwind run, forgot that everyone else who got that gust took off at around the same time. No equipment damage, landed on head on sail 😉

Left knee had two split cartilages and of course all the accumulated damage from years of sailing.

GP advised exercise therapy and time, 4 to 6 MONTHS off – been 3 and a bit now and for all normal use it feels fine. But still aching a bit sometimes and just “not right”


7th August 2013 Melville


Melville, fun day not at the office. Good wind until the rain came. 5.8KA and 95 sonic and then CA speed. Finally got that new 24 MXR weed fin and tried it out. Felt fine and I was surprised how well it went on all angles. Did manage to get it to let go but thats probably just bad habits from using the bigger fin (MXR 28).

jelly beans
and for a few brief minutes I had “jelly beans” showing that my score actually counted for something.


My equipment list – can never remember what size fins / boards I have

The person who has the most fun wins !

Personal sailing blog http://funstuff.nanotera.com.au

Boards – CA Speed ???

Starboard Sonic 95

Kombat 79

MXR 28 weedy

MXR 24 Weedy

Choco 28 weedy


Sails KA Koncept 7.3, 5.8, 5.0

Ezzy SE wave 5.8 5.0 4.2


Pelican Point 2012-01-29

Pelican Point, gusty easterly, gave me a reason to get out the LOC rig again. 120 iSonic and 7.2 KA Koncept. Was OK when planing but a bit of a struggle to get going in the lulls. Must learn how to pump sometime ! Nice to bump into a few of the team, slept in so was a late starter.



Ledge Point to Lancelin

Ledge Point to Lancelin 7.3 Koncept, 120 Sonic. 44 FO pointer. had to stop and clear fin a few times, then popped the cam of the mast on the second last outside mark. got to inside mark but just couldnt waterstart and was too exhausted to uphaul so got in a boat. they had a very nice mackeral they had caught and cold beer for me. O well next year for me.



Hardies Run, WA, AU MH Marathon, 2011-12-31

Hardies Run, WA, AU MH Marathon, good fun even though it felt like I was last most of the time. settled down after the first run and got more comfortable.


Lancelin – way back from cervantes speed 2011-11-27

Lancelin, bay , short sail before heading back to Perth. 7.3 koncept and 120, then put on the sonic 95 – I think that was the first time id tried that combo . Probably what I should have been using yesterday.


Cervantes speed 2011-11-26

Cervantes, 5.8 Koncep and 95 sonic. One of those days where nothing feels right. but still a bit of fun.


Pelican Point, 2011-11-21

Pelican Point, WA, AU – short sail after work. 120 iSonic, 7.3 Koncep and 44cm fin. Good fun, was a bit sore after the ocean sailing yesterday (need to harden up – I know)

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