
safety bay – 2011-05-20 JT

Safety Bay, 6.5 Ezzy – way too big once the wind hit. Went to change down to the 5m after swimming in and realised I hadnt brought the mast for it (but had remembered the boom) – so called it a day at that. Still good to at least get out on the water. Wild times on the water.


Melvilee 2011-04-27 JT

Melville Beach, a few others out. Managed to time packing up so I got as wet as possible. Good to get out after what seems like a long time.

Had the fun of wading back to find the wind picked up almost straight away.


Pt Walter 2011-04-03 JT

Point Walter, fairly early morning sail. 6.5 / Sonic , wind dropped of so I thought I had better get back tot the kite carpark where I was. Didnt realise how crowded it gets on an easterly. Great to get some TOW. Good to catch up with some of the team.


Melville 2011-03-20 JT

An unfortunate gardening decision on Saturday morning left me busy until 2 on Sunday.

Thought about saftety bay but my exhaustion and time limits meant Melville was a much better option Smile

Sonic 95, 6.5 Infinity, JP weedy Sailed up to PW, saw Chris, decided after crashin on the run and leaving the fin sitting 5ml out of the box I had better get back to the car. Screwdrive taking the pressure off and the whole lot slid back in. Unless I left 5ml free on the front bold I dont know how that happed, felt/sounded like a rock. I was pretty sure the 31 on the dial was the catapult but KA73 has given it to me as 2sec.

Tried out the the green board and Choco weedy later on at Melville. Ran out of time to play with it but managed a couple of jybes, need to practice more !.


Safety Bay 2011-03-12

Safety Bay, first time ever Great to see everyone, a very friendly place. I asked a bloke who looked local for the info and got an excellent summary.

35 knot barrier broken PB

CA Speed , Koncept 5.8 , Choco 27 weedy

Struggled at first to get going, a lot of water starting, I have only used this board a few times so its like a new one every time 😉

Got it together eventually and even a couple of gybes, I think I should have been turning while on the flat, surprised how well it went in the chop, I expected a lot of nose diving but not too bad. a bit more practice and I might work it out.

Took your advice Mark and let off a bit of outhaul when outside but was so tired I couldnt hold on, got 33 knots I think

Sorry I missed you Patrick and congratulations on your PBs, Mark told me and it spurred me to go a bit harder,


Point Walter 2011-03-11 JT

Point Walter, 6.5 Sonic

Wind was very gusty but at least got away from work for a bit


Pelican PT 2011-03-06 JT

Pelican Pt, Choppy / crowded – but at least some time on the water. Sonic and 6.5 tried the 5.8 at the end but not enough wind for that.


Pelican point 2011-02-11

Pelican Point, early (for me) sail in the Easterly, a bit gusty and light but unusually filled in and was better as the morning went on. By the time all the kites and boats had started to come out the wind wind was pretty good. Good fun sail.


jt 2011-01-08 Ledge to Lancelin Marathon, Lancelin Ocean Classic LOC 2011

conditions – 20-25 Knots SSW sea breeze. ? swell. Tide rising in the afternoon.

spot on 2pm start

rigged 6.5 and sonic (decided day before to go that – biggest rig).

Wind had turned to ssw at 11 so knew it was on.

only issue on test run was weed bank in line of start position.

got good pos in 4th row in line with walkway


followed crowd down to start – once ankle deep figured I could go all the sideways I wanted and waided up to get clear, plodded out and once got out of the wind shadow was of.

no weed or wave problems on way to first mark.

got first jybe and starting to get hot and sweaty.

trying to milk downwind using waves, getting it but arches of feet start to get very sore (maybe I was pulling up on the straps). Quite a lot of floaty stuff when too far off the wind and just loosing it.

seemed to have helped as I didnt need another tack to avoid the reef

fell of there I think ? lovely cool refreshment, actually waited a few extra seconds to cool down.

then waterstarted on the way out, good run passing some, seeing same sail number, then not seeing it

is that a good or bad thing ?

second outside – was also downwind (unusual)

got some more downwind advantage on this one I think

? cant remember

second in – not as downwind as usual

I think this was the bit where I Was just enjoying myself, perfect coasty , great wind, gear all working and the right size.

third out ?

lovely line of white water (small) on the way back out ofter jybing , ended up woosing it and going for upwind end and safety.

couldnt find next mark. found mass of sailors and police boat , all a bit confused.

did glince on the horizon way out to sea and north a small boat and a kite. thought – this will do – and headed back in to south passage and beach.

good fast race in with a couple of others to finish.

was a bit slack in not running, figured there wasnt that much of a hurry.

got a 74th – should be a DNF but then again noone protested.

last mark ? –



JT 2010-10-28

Pelican Point, WA, AU, Gusty and like a winter sail. Not much fun really after the lovely sea breezes. Got on and in the water at least.

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