
Mettams to Sorrento 2011-02-25

Mettams to sorrento, 5.8 ezzy. Bit light at times, no sand left at Watermans and hardly any at Mettams.


Mettams to Sorrento 2011-02-19

short sharp Mettams to Sorrento, 5.8 SE wave Kombat 79. A bit marginal, probably should have taken the sonic / 6.5 combo but didnt pack them. Good fun and was planing “most” of the time. Saw the best flying fish (longest air time) Ive ever seen, wish I could jump like that. very busy weekend. Had a bday party to go to on Sat night so couldnt spend too much time on the water, and jobs to do all Sunday.


Pelican point 2011-02-11

Pelican Point, early (for me) sail in the Easterly, a bit gusty and light but unusually filled in and was better as the morning went on. By the time all the kites and boats had started to come out the wind wind was pretty good. Good fun sail.


Mettams to Sorrento – 2011-02-04

Mettams to sorrento, great time was had. Some swell and the wind angle was just right. 5m SE Wave was a little small in the lulls and a little big in the gusts but just right almost all the time.

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