
Lancelin – way back from cervantes speed 2011-11-27

Lancelin, bay , short sail before heading back to Perth. 7.3 koncept and 120, then put on the sonic 95 – I think that was the first time id tried that combo . Probably what I should have been using yesterday.


Cervantes speed 2011-11-26

Cervantes, 5.8 Koncep and 95 sonic. One of those days where nothing feels right. but still a bit of fun.


Pelican Point, 2011-11-21

Pelican Point, WA, AU – short sail after work. 120 iSonic, 7.3 Koncep and 44cm fin. Good fun, was a bit sore after the ocean sailing yesterday (need to harden up – I know)


Mettams / Sorrento 2011-11-20

Kombat 79l and Ezzy SE Wave 5.8 – took a little bit to get used to the smaller board and not flat water but great fun. felt faster than that.

Well done on the weekend everyone ! PBs and (briefly) top of the world what more can we want.

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