
Mettams to Sorrento SL, JT 27-2-12

kept it down on the water most of the time as it was too windy to jump much.

Full on windy, 5m JT full on perfect, 5.4SL – bit much in the gusts.

really nice downwind wave runs, sail so luffed it was blown back / slack when holding it dead in front as surfing north (of the research @ watermans)

GREAT fun.


Mettams to Sorrento SL, JT , GVB 26-2-12

Sunday sail after Petes 50th hawaian night, bit gusty as it was partly caused by a cold front passing very high. Cool change and gusts of 5m with lulls of 6m 😉

Great fun, got the board and sail half way round a big upwind jump on first run out at Mettams. Bailed out and hit the water with a big splash. Great to be powered up properly.

Front “incoming tack” footstrap pulled screw out of board so sailed unstrapped for rest of run. Not so bad as had the back one and it was the wave riding tack

Excellent sail.


Mettams to Sorrento JT SL GVB ???? 2012-02-19

very light, 5.8 Never seen so many people at the beach when its that windy.

Got the last car park at the top of the hill. Had to carry gear over sunbathers. Hot and sweaty work. But very nice on the water, so light that the water state was smooth hardly any chop. Luckily only water started twice but not too hard.


Mettams to Sorrento 2012-02-

That was a real sea breeze. Mettams to Sorrento 5m (should have been 4.2 I think).

A lot more gusty than a normal breeze but that might have been the left over from Cyclone Iggy.

Bit challenging at times and some very large seas just of the marine research centre, quite surprising when water starting and in the trough just how big they were. Great fun.

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