Archiving windows event logs.

If you select the option in windows event logs to archive old event logs it will create files of the format that event viewer can open.

An event ID 1105 will be created as the first item in the new log if it is the security log, other logs such as forwarded events will cause a 105 event id in the system log.


By selecting to trigger a task when this event is generated we can automatically run a script that moves the archive files to a backup location. The log files compress well and putting them into an NTFS compressed folder should save a lot of space.

A simple cmd script that will move the archive files out.

@set moveto=F:\ServerBackups\SERVERNAME\EventLogs
@date /t 
@time /t 
@cd "%systemroot%\system32\winevt\logs"
@echo event log has been archived due to size limit - now move to archive storage. 
move archive*.evtx %moveto%

Another option is to use this powershell script, this will move all the archived event log files from the default location to another. It will then “cleanup” the archive location and remove all files more than 30 days old. However it will only remove the files that have been backed up (archive bit cleared).

The location and number of days can be specified on the command line (options to the task), the first option is the name of the directory to move the files (the subfolders, computername and eventlogs need to be created manually first) and the second the number of days old a file must be before it is removed.

The default location is d:\serverbackups and the default number of days is 30. Remember that files will only be removed if they have been backed up or had their archive bit cleared.

param( [string]$archivefolder='D:\ServerBackups', [int32]$limit=30 )
#script to archive event logs from log collecting server. 
$attribute = [io.fileattributes]::archive
# test for existence of target folders
if (( test-path $archivefolder ) -and (test-path $eventlogfolder ) ) 

    Add-Content -Path $logfile "Script $myname started $now"

    #$myeventlogs= Get-ChildItem -path "$eventlogfolder\Arch*.evtx"

    $resultofmove=move-item -passthru -path "$eventlogfolder\Arch*.evtx" -destination $archivefolder

    if ( $resultofmove ) 
        Add-Content -path $logfile "$resultofmove_count files have been moved to Archive" 
        $resultofmove |  Add-Content -path $logfile 
        Add-Content -path $logfile "No files found to archive." 

    # Delete files older than the $limit.
    $myfiles= Get-ChildItem -Path $archivefolder | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt $limitdate  -and !( (get-itemproperty -path  $_.fullname ).attributes -band $attribute ) } 

    if ( $myfiles ) { 
        $resultofdel = $myfiles | Remove-Item -Force
        Add-Content -path $logfile "Delete $myfiles_count log files that have been backed up and are older than $limitdate" 
        $myfiles  |  Add-Content -path $logfile 
        Add-Content -path $logfile "No event log archives found to delete. Needed to be backed up and older than $limitdate" 

    Add-Content -Path $logfile "Script $myname finished $now"

    #type $logfile 

    write-host -ForegroundColor red "ERROR  $archivefolder or $eventlogfolder do not exist, debugging written to  $env:TEMP\archivecrashlog.txt"
    $myline= $MyInvocation.line
    add-content -path "$env:TEMP\archivecrashlog.txt" "$myline"

About Jeff Turner

Technical director of Nano Tera Network Solutions.
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