WBAdmin – deleting old backups from the catalogue

Cleaning up the windows server backup catalogue database (server 2012r2).

To get a list of backups

wbadmin get versions

pipe that text to a file and then to get all the backups

findstr “identifier”

Put all of that into a CMD file and then replace

“Version identifier: ”


“type y.txt | wbadmin delete backup -version:”

the text file y.txt needs to have two lines with just Y on them. Run that command and it will empty the catalogue.

If you just wanted to remove a particular backup device from the list would have to identify it by the guid in the Backup Target line from the versions list.

Once you have the disk id try.

“wbadmin delete backup -backupTarget:”

About Jeff Turner

Technical director of Nano Tera Network Solutions.
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