Got to Pt Walter late (4PM) after family lunch. Thought maybe the rack of lamb and cheesecake will work like a weight vest. But it didnt, after first hour and a little regurgitate I started to feel OK.

Saw Chris Porter with a broken boom, he was leaving as I arrived. Having trouble getting upwind on the CA, probably just technique.

CA Sp53, choco 27 weedy, Koncept 5.8 – new GT31 as the old one died yesterday.

By the end of the session was getting the hang of carving the CA, might try moving the footstraps (they are in the back position) and see if that helps with getting upwind.


got 2 second 34.183 [PB] and 5×10 sec 32.745 [PB] so the new board is definitely going to make the difference.

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