JT Melville Distance

Melville Beach – Sonic 95 , Ezzy 6.5 Infinity. JP Weed 31 / Choco weed 27.

Goal of the day was to break 100K (and get a PB). Got the PB but the distance was 99.75 Km. The wind was very gusty, at times I was thinking I would need to change down but then it would drop out again. By the end of the day the wind seemed to have gone completely. I suppose I should have been able to bob another 250m but the conversion from nm to Km had me confused (and I had to be home to cook dinner , and I was stuffed).

Only realised after posting that I got an hour PB as well – that was unexpected.

The yellow line is the amount “extra” I needed to do to get 100Km

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