Pt Walter / Melville 2011-06-14 JT

Point Walter, morning. Spent most of the day driving around, apart from the bit where I rigged up the 7.3 and didnt get going.

Then the second bit (afternoon) where I went and bought a 120l Isonic, all keen to try it out, rigged up the 7.3 at Melville and broke my mast (DOH – put the bottom half on the wrong way round Embarassed) – so pretty unsuccesful. Went home not happy. Bought new bottom half of ezzy mast so not as bad as it could have been.

Good news is I can replace just the half that broke (I think thats good news) – and I suppose I could cut of the bottom 30 cm (where its cracked) and have an unsafe 430 . I know the reinforcement would all be in the wrong spot, I wont do that.

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