
JT Melville Distance

Melville Beach – Sonic 95 , Ezzy 6.5 Infinity. JP Weed 31 / Choco weed 27.

Goal of the day was to break 100K (and get a PB). Got the PB but the distance was 99.75 Km. The wind was very gusty, at times I was thinking I would need to change down but then it would drop out again. By the end of the day the wind seemed to have gone completely. I suppose I should have been able to bob another 250m but the conversion from nm to Km had me confused (and I had to be home to cook dinner , and I was stuffed).

Only realised after posting that I got an hour PB as well – that was unexpected.

The yellow line is the amount “extra” I needed to do to get 100Km


JT 2010-10-13 Pt Walter

Pt Walter, waiting for gusts. Got some good runs. Sonic 95, Choco 30 weed, 5.8 Koncept. took a big chunk out of the fin early on, about 4 cm up from the tip. More rocks than you realise around there ! A PB for this board and my 2nd best, so better than it felt. I think the fast run was the one where I could see the end of the gust on the water in front of me and just laughed as I caught it and sailed out of the wind. Went from 33.7 , 32.2, 30, 27, 24, 23 ,22 , 20 as I left the wind



JT 5-10-2010 Peli point

bit gusty, 5.8KA Sonic. too impatient to wait for coast run, sounds like it was fun (hear Pete was on a 5.0 !)


Pinnaroos in the ashes this month, I think distance is the go. Any PB is extras !


JT Mandurah (Hardies Run) 23 May 2010

Long time between sails !

Got to Melville just on sunrise, the trees didnt seem to be moving at all so decided to investigate Woodmans Pt. Drove there (its changed a bit in the 20 years since I last went there ) but decided that sailing there by myself in gusty winter stuff wasnt a good idea. Then realised I was closer to Mandurastan than home so drove there. Got on the water by about 9:10 and had a good time. Wind dropped out while I was on the far side of the esturary and I “bobbed” all the way back. Then it came in nicely and seemed pretty constant for the rest of the time. 6.5 was a bit of a handful in the rain/gusts but the rest of the time it was great. so 200Km and about 7 hours later it was a good day ! Got windier and blew all day so I guess I could have just waited at Melville.

Interesting that my 2 sec was on the sonic on my first run, I took out the CA at 11:00 but didnt get it above 29 – I guess that might be due to exhaustion and the fin/sail just not being right on it.

All up a good day out.



JT Melville Beach (Lucky Bay)

Realised this morning that I hadnt patched the hole I put in my sonic on Sunday so only took the CA Speed, then rigged for the forecast rather than the conditions and put up the 5.8 – then after waiting a while the rain came and for about 20 minutes it was great !

Elapsed time 136 minutes, trave time 100.48 minutes, distance of 16.93 Km is 9.14 Nms so an average speed of 5.45 Knots – thats about what it felt like as well ! I think that is a brisk walk.



JT Pinnaroo Pt

Pinnaroo – didnt think there would be enough wind but was pleasantly surprised. 6.5 Ezzy ?, Sonic 95

Cruised up to the marina and then ran back , no surprise that top speeds were all on run back.



JT Pelican Point – Pinnas team meeting ;-)

Great to get on the water – feels like ages since the last sail (I know it was only a week but even so!)

Got to use my new (Marcels old) 6.5 for the first time, a bit of outhaul made it rotate much better ! Used the sonic 95 but kept thinking of the CA sitting in the car but I dont think there was enough wind to use it and now I will never know.



JT Pt Majestic early morning.

Early morning Majestics, good fun. All spoilt a bit by me searching for car keys for an hour only to find them under the front seat where I had looked 3 times before. At least I found them.

The sailing was good (Mikes Loft 6.6 – I will return it honest, Sonic 95, JP Weedy ?)

Nice to meet new member Birdman, welcome aboard, good turnout and Windxtasy rigging up as I was leaving.



Got to Pt Walter late (4PM) after family lunch. Thought maybe the rack of lamb and cheesecake will work like a weight vest. But it didnt, after first hour and a little regurgitate I started to feel OK.

Saw Chris Porter with a broken boom, he was leaving as I arrived. Having trouble getting upwind on the CA, probably just technique.

CA Sp53, choco 27 weedy, Koncept 5.8 – new GT31 as the old one died yesterday.

By the end of the session was getting the hang of carving the CA, might try moving the footstraps (they are in the back position) and see if that helps with getting upwind.


got 2 second 34.183 [PB] and 5×10 sec 32.745 [PB] so the new board is definitely going to make the difference.


JT Mandurah marathon – lots of fun

Went to Mandurah (HArdies) expecting a downwind marathon, got an across the wind 24 Km (4 legs) race. Still fun and no complaints – “whinge whinge – downwind would have been so good etc…”

Gav was these but didnt enjoy it I think, not sure why not but maybe not enough power for crap light wind.

BUT I used brand new second hand CA speed 53 -WOW – excellent “Im in love” was the summation – just so good all I need is some wind now. It wasnt the appropriate board for the day (allthough CL used his) but it was FAST – so some wind and look out – I might be competitive (time will tell).

Anyway was a good day out. Took all my junk and used Minerals 6.6 and mast. All my stuff: sonic, sails, masts etc… all sitting on grass and then back in car.


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