
Pt Walter 2011-08-06

Point Walter, got there too late (as JJ says if Marks packing up its over.

Light wind combo isonic 120 and koncept 7.3

planing some of the time, by the end couldnt uphaul any more. Good exercise, lovely sunny afternon and the river was beautiful, until the parade of motor boats turned it into a roller coaster. But good to get some time on the water and some practice with the new board, have to unlearn some small board habits to use it properly.

Ended up getting sick (cold/flu asthma chill) – took weeks to get better !


safety bay – 2011-08-03

Safety Bay – embarrassing to be so slow – but no point denying it.

couldnt get enough water to sail in, was dragging fin a lot of the time.


Melville iSonic 120

Melville iSonic 120 , KA 7.3

All sorts, between standing on a becalmed board to waiting for the rain to stop and 10m visibility and a lot in between. Uphauled again, more than once today


Melvilee 2011-07-29

Melville Beach, WA, AU

5.8 koncept

sonic 95 27 choco

good at first but then too much for a bit then it dropped of (so pretty normal)

sonc 120 – 5.8 too small but did get it planing when the wind came in. then put the 95 back but not really enough for that.

great to get wet and say hi to a few people


Melville – big gear 2011-07-03

Melville Beach, WA, AU – tried out the 120 isonic, 7.3 koncept. Good (some of the time), and did uphaul it once just to prove I can


Pt Walter / Melville 2011-06-14 JT

Point Walter, morning. Spent most of the day driving around, apart from the bit where I rigged up the 7.3 and didnt get going.

Then the second bit (afternoon) where I went and bought a 120l Isonic, all keen to try it out, rigged up the 7.3 at Melville and broke my mast (DOH – put the bottom half on the wrong way round Embarassed) – so pretty unsuccesful. Went home not happy. Bought new bottom half of ezzy mast so not as bad as it could have been.

Good news is I can replace just the half that broke (I think thats good news) – and I suppose I could cut of the bottom 30 cm (where its cracked) and have an unsafe 430 . I know the reinforcement would all be in the wrong spot, I wont do that.


Pt Walter – JT – 2011-06-11

Point Walter, WA, AU – first try with the 7.4 Koncept, nice sail but I think the 95 sonic and 37 fin were a bit small for the lulls, couldnt get upwind to the clear air so kept putting about down to the sand bar and then working back to where I started. Nice to get out anyway !


safety bay – 2011-05-20 JT

Safety Bay, 6.5 Ezzy – way too big once the wind hit. Went to change down to the 5m after swimming in and realised I hadnt brought the mast for it (but had remembered the boom) – so called it a day at that. Still good to at least get out on the water. Wild times on the water.


Melvilee 2011-04-27 JT

Melville Beach, a few others out. Managed to time packing up so I got as wet as possible. Good to get out after what seems like a long time.

Had the fun of wading back to find the wind picked up almost straight away.


Pt Walter 2011-04-03 JT

Point Walter, fairly early morning sail. 6.5 / Sonic , wind dropped of so I thought I had better get back tot the kite carpark where I was. Didnt realise how crowded it gets on an easterly. Great to get some TOW. Good to catch up with some of the team.

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